Meet the Flock
We have a diverse flock of Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Dominques, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Marans, Brahmas, Legbars, Fibro Eggers, Whiting True Blues, and Welsummers just to name a few. There are also some mixed breed chickens running around that are just as great as the rest. Our goal is to have a variety of colored egg layers and what are considered large fowl for dual purpose.
These are not for sale. And does not represent all of our flock.
We have a Buff and Light Hen, along with a breeding pair of Dark Brahmas currently. We hope to breed the Dark Brahmas as they are considered to be Large Fowl. Brahmas lay a light brown in color eggs.
For Dominques we have 2 Hens. Dominques are considered to be a Heritage Breed. Docile temperament and lay brown eggs, though our ladies tend to lay with a heavy bloom making the eggs look pink in color.
Fibro Eggers
Our Fibro Eggers are all black. Including their combs, wattles, beaks and legs. They are from the lines of Ayam Cemani crossed with a blue layer. The 2 Hens we have lay blue colored eggs.
We have 2 varieties of Legbar Roosters. A Creole Rooster and 2 Cream crested. Legbars lay blue colored eggs.
Black Copper Marans
Our Black Copper Marans lay dark brown colored eggs, some of the eggs can have a heavy bloom making them appear purple in color.
There is a variety in our flock of docile large fowl Orpingtons. You will see Blue, Black, Mottled, Buff, Lavender, Jubilee, Partridge, Isabelle and Lemon Cuckoo. Orpingtons will lay brown eggs.
Jubilee Orpingtons
New in the spring of 2022 we hatched English Jubilee Orpingtons. These are large fowl and simply gorgeous.
Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
We acquired some beautiful Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons. "Cuckoo" means barred in this case. Very docile and have a great temperament, as all of our Orpingtons have.
We have several Welsummer Hens, these ladies lay a brown egg with dark speckles, and are a joy to have in the egg basket.
Whiting True Blue
The Whiting True Blue ladies we have are of a smaller stature but have great personalities to make up for their size and they lay a blue colored egg.
Currently we have 2 Hens, a Golden Laced and Silver Laced. For our Rooster, we have a project Blue Laced Red Rooster who has amazing plumage. Wyandottes lay cream colored egg.
Salmon Favorelles
Our Salmon Favorelles Lady is a new edition from the spring of 2022.
Easter Eggers
A multitude of colors and patterns in can be found in our Easter Eggers. They lay predominantly green eggs for us.
Olive Eggers
We have an array of Olive Eggers, some will lay a sage colored egg, others the traditional olive with or with out speckles. We even have a mossy green egg with speckles!
This is our Blue/Black Maran, he is a fantastic protector of his ladies. Surviving 2 fox attacks, as well as a perfect gentleman with his ladies.
Mixed Breeds
These are some of the mixed breeds we have raised. We have fun trying to figure out what breeds they are.
Some of the Ducks we have hatched here at The Hennery.
Other breeds
Here are a few of the other breeds we have acquired and are part of the flock.